Project Management

The Creative Process and Product Development Cycle require organized Project Management. Clear objectives & goals need to be set. Calendars need to be established and maintained. Thorough documentation and communication need to be created, amended and executed between each milestone. The carousel documents to follow are based on templates  I’ve created and refined over the years of bringing garments from concept to production.  They are presented in reverse order of development.
Understanding the audience, the related demographics and the competitive landscape in the market provides designers a clear direction versus designers designing for the sake of designing. Above is an example of the research put into a brand before the first garment is drawn. 
When tasked with developing a cotton based performance golf brand, Radmor Golf was used as a case study. Competitor Analysis is a key method to find solutions of what works and what doesn't.
By organizing variations of Merchandise Boards ( i.e.: by gender, product style, or color story), specific product info can be relayed at a glance. to various departments.
By combining Microsoft Excel and Adobe CS, I've developed a comprehensive tech pack system to document and maintain apparel product development.
 Hundreds of Concepts, Notes, and Inspiration Images are organized into a focused collection and finalized palette.
Planning a Product Development Calendar requires identifying milestones and juggling multiple product lines simultaneously.  Above are the seasonal and weekly templates I've created and use to stay organized and on schedule.

Sportswear Design


Past Projects